For multimedia files used under the Microsoft Windows, the operating system automatically generated images (cached thumbnails) and stores them in special files.
Thumb*.db Viewer allows browse and retrieve such images.
Pro edition has all the features of Thumb*.db Viewer and new functionality:
The possibility to create custom thumbnail databases.
The possibility to search thumbnail from Thumbs.db (thumbcache_*.db, iconcache_*.db) file in all thumbnail databases which were created already
Export files Thumbs.db, ehthumbs.db, thumbcache_*.db or iconcache_*.db content or custom thumbnail databases into PDF file
NB! When the program is launched for the first time, it converts custom databases of previous versions, if any.
Selected thumbnail from source file may be copied to thumbnail database.
The interface for thumbnail databases is the same as interface to work with files Thumbs.db, ehthumbs.db, thumbcache_*.db or iconcache_*.db.
Custom Thumbnail Database can be added, removed or edited.
The information is shown in tables and sortable by columns by clicking once on the header of a column.
Any table may be sorted by columns in descending or ascending order.
The number of custom thumbnail databases is not limited.
Custom thumbnail databases are generated on the basis of thumbnails which may be located in different source files.
The same thumbnail may be presented in few databases.
Thumbnail database may have the name and annotation
Every thumbnail may be commented.
Every thumbnail has detailed information about the source file the thumbnail is copied from.
Thumbnails are copied into custom thumbnail database and shown along with all metadata
The very first empty custom thumbnail database is created automatically
It is possible to search selected thumbnail from opened source file in all thumbnail databases which were created already
All found thumbnails are grouped in special table
There is a possibility to export thumbnails into PDF file.
Three types of PDF files are generated (depending on where the thumbnail metadata is displayed):
Detailed information about thumbnail is shown in the report, side by side with image
Metadata are presented in thumbnail’s comment (pop-up hint and mouse click hint)
Detailed information about thumbnails is not shown at all
For above latest two types of PDF files the number of thumbnails in a row may vary from 2 to 5
Custom thumbnail databases are generated into PDF files along with name, annotation and comments for every thumbnail.
If the thumbnail database has the thumbnails from different source files, the PDF file has separate section for every file and outline with source files names.
General information about a document, such as its title, author, subject and keywords may be set for PDF file
The PDF document can be encrypted to protect its contents from unauthorized access (set owner and user password).
Opening the document with the correct owner password (assuming it is not the same as the user password) allows full (owner) access to the document.
This unlimited access includes the ability to change the document's passwords and access permissions.
Opening the document with the correct user password (or opening a document that does not have a user password) allows additional operations to be performed according to the user access permissions specified in the document's encryption dictionary.
User can set permissions to determine protection options which are permitted when the document is opened with user access.
PDF file protection options:
Allow assemble the document (insert, rotate, or delete pages and create bookmarks or thumbnail images).
Allow copy or otherwise extract text and graphics from the document.
Allow print the document.
Allow print the document.
Allow add or modify text annotations.
Allow edit the annotation text.
Allow modify the contents of the document.
Allow copy information about the document.